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Episode 2
Series following the work of Paediatric Retrieval Service teams in Scotland. In this episode, a four-week-old baby from Melrose has a dangerously high heart rate.
An t-seachdain-sa, tha leanabh, a tha m矛os a dh'aois 脿 Maolros, a-staigh le buille-cridhe a tha aig astar a tha cunnartach. Ann an Srath Foirthe, tha an sgioba ag obair c貌mhla gus balach beag nach urrainn anail a ghabhail a shocrachadh agus gheibh sinn sealladh den ospadal-cloinne 霉r ann an Glaschu.
In this episode, a four-week-old baby from Melrose has a dangerously high heart rate. It takes teamwork to stabilise a little boy in Forth Valley struggling to breathe, and we get a glimpse of the new Children's hospital in Glasgow.
Last on
Sun 19 Mar 2017