Episode 2
Mary Ann Kennedy presents indigenous and minority-language music from around the world. This episode features acts including Julie Feeney, plus Ewen Henderson with Ewen Robertson.
Sreath le M脿iri Anna NicUalraig a'l矛bhrigeadh ce貌l th霉sanach agus mion-ch脿nanach na cruinne. Tha an d脿rna pr貌gram a' t貌iseachadh an 脠irinn agus nighean Ghaillimh, Julie Feeney - sgr矛obhaiche, seinneadair, cleasaiche air a bogadh ann an ce貌l c貌isir - a'cuir a gleus fh猫in air Cill Aod谩in. Tha Eoghainn MacEunraig air cli霉 a chosnadh dha fh猫in tro bhi a' cluiche le leithid Battlefield Band agus M脿nran ann a seo le taic bho Eoghan eile - ball a' ch貌mhlain Breabach, Eoghann Robasdan, le Duanag an t-Se貌ladair. Ce貌l cuideachd bho The Dirty 9s 脿 Bail' Ath Cliath, Go Deo Go Deo Gan Stad. Mu dheireadh, Raibeart Robasdan, seinneadair a ch貌mlain c猫ilidh mh貌ir, Skipinnish agus 貌ran ainmeil 脠ireannach, Tha na h-Uain Air An Tulaich.
Mary Ann Kennedy presents a series of indigenous and minority-language music from around the world. This second episode begins in Ireland, and Galway girl Julie Feeney - a composer, singer and actor, steeped in choral music - raises the roof with Cill Aod谩in.
Ewen Henderson from Locahber has built a brilliant musical career with acts such as the Battlefield Band and M脿nran. Appearing with him is Ewen Robertson from Breabach, and they deliver Duanag an t-Se貌ladair.
There is also music from Dublin band the Dirty 9s with Go Deo Go Deo Gan Stad.
Finally, Robert Robertson, singer with the great c猫ilidh band Skipinnish, performs the famous Irish song The Lambs on the Green Hills.