Episode 1
The first of three one-hour specials following women from different divisions of the Los Angeles Police Department through the drama of their everyday lives.
Tha tr矛 pr貌graman san t-sreath Boireannaich an LAPD, anns gach program, leanaidh sinn boireannaich 脿 diofar sgiobannan de Roinn Phoilis Los Angeles tro dhr脿ma am beatha l脿itheil. Tha iad a' tighinn gu co-dh霉naidhean a dh'fhaodadh beatha neach a sh脿bhaladh no a chall; tha iad a' briseadh a-steach far a bheil drogaichean; agus tha am program a' toirt sealladh soilleir air na
boireannaich aig a bheil beatha l脿n thachartasan.
Tha Boireannaich an LAPD a' cur iongnadh, a' toirt fiosrachadh, agus a' gluasad gun stad, ag innse mu bhoireannaich a tha gan cur fh猫in ann an cunnart a h-uile latha - boireannaich a tha cho 脿bhaisteach 's gum faodadh iad a bhith am measg ar teaghlaichean agus ar caraidean, ach cho iongantach 's gun toir iad spreagadh is brosnachadh dhuinn uile.
Three one-hour specials following women from different divisions of the Los Angeles Police Department through the drama of their everyday lives.
From unbelievable life-and-death decisions to drug busts, the programme gives a raw, very real look inside the worlds of real women who lead action-packed lives.
Surprising, revealing and action-packed, Women in Blue tells the compelling stories of real women who put it all on the line.
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