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Eun Annasach/Wildlife Watch
Episode 15 of 30
Children's series. A film crew arrives to record a rare bird nesting at the farm. The farmer is delighted, but then they film the flock playing cricket.
Tha criutha TBH aig an tuathanas a' filmeadh eun annasach. Tha an tuathanach air a dh貌igh gu bheil seo a' tachairt aig Tuathanas Mossybottom ach nuair a tha an neach-camara a' cl脿radh an treud a' cluich geama chriogaid, feumaidh iad an suidheachadh a sh脿bhaladh.
A film crew arrives to record a rare bird nesting at Mossybottom Farm. The farmer is delighted by all the attention, but when a cameraman films the flock enjoying a game of cricket, drastic action is needed.
Last on
Fri 18 Aug 2017