Episode 1
First in a six-part series following Donald MacSween as he tries to make it as a full-time crofter. This episode sees him preparing to go into egg production.
Tha D貌mhnall MacSuain - no Sweeny mar as fhe脿rr a dh' aithnichear e - na chroitear 脿 Le貌dhas le miann s貌nraichte. Na Niseach pr貌iseil, tha e an-dr脿sta ag obair p脿irt-霉ine, ach bu mhath leis sin atharrachadh gu tur agus barrachd 霉ine a chur seachad anns an 脿ite as b貌idhche fon ghr猫in na bheachd-san - Nis, gus a bhith na chroitear l脿n 霉ine. Leanaidh sinn e thar bliadhna san t-sreath
霉r seo de 6 earrannan, 's e a' feuchainn a r霉n sh貌nraichte a thoirt gu buil.
Tha 霉idh air a bhith aig Sweeny ann am beathaichean agus croitearachd bhon a bha e na ghille 貌g agus chuir e seachad t貌rr 霉ine le a sheanair air lot an teaghlaich. Bhon a ghabh e os l脿imh e ann an 2005 tha e air 霉ine a roinn eadar an obair l脿itheil agus croitearachd - rud nach robh furasta, ach anns an Iuchar 2014 ghabh e a' chiad cheum le a phlanaichean d矛oghrasach. Ged is e caoraich an 'first love' aig Sweeny, ann am Pr貌gram 1 chithear e a' gabhail slighe 霉r le beathaichean 霉ra agus e ag ullachadh son uighean a reic aig m貌r-矛re le cuideachadh bho 300 cearc. Ach le turas gu t矛r m貌r a' teannadh dl霉th dha Sweeny airson na cearcan a thogail, tha an taigh-chearc fada bho bhith deiseil. An cuir Sweeny c霉isean air d貌igh ann an 霉ine?
Lean Sweeny air a thuras a tha uaireannan buaireasach, uairean brosnachail 's e air An Lot. An d猫an e a' ch霉is a' toirt a phlanaichean gu buil? An tig air Sweeny croitearachd ath-nuadhachadh agus be貌shlaint l脿n 霉ine a dh猫anamh bhon talamh?
Donald MacSween - or Sweeny as most folk know him - is a Lewis crofter with a dream. A proud Ness man, he is currently working part-time but aims to change all that so he can spend more time in what he considers to be the best place in the world, Ness, and be a crofter full-time. We follow him over a year in this six-part series as he tries to make his dream become a reality.
Sweeny has had an interest in animals and crofting from a young age and spent a lot of time with his grandfather on the family croft. Since taking over the croft in 2005, he's juggled the demands of the day job with crofting, but in July 2014 he embarked on the next stage of his ambitious plans.
While the sheep might be Sweeny's first love, episode one sees him take a new direction as he prepares to go into egg production with 300 new chickens. But as the day of the chicken's arrival looms with a trip to the mainland for Sweeny, the hen house is far from finished. Can Sweeny sort things in time?
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鈥楽 math gu bheil br脿ithrean Sweeny ann airson a chuideachadh!
Duration: 04:30