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Dumfries House

Documentary series taking an in-depth look at the workings of country estates. This episode focuses on Dumfries House and Prince Charles's efforts to keep it open.

Seallaidh Oighreachdan na h-Alba gu dl霉th ri oighreachdan tro sh霉ilean an fheadhainn leis a bheil iad, na gillean, na g脿irnealairean agus mnathan-taighe a bharrachd air na h-aoidhean a bhios a' p脿igheadh airson fuireach air na h-oighreachdan m貌ra seo.

'S e deagh eisimpleir de sh脿r Oighreachd a th' ann an Taigh Dh霉n Phris, a tha suidhichte air d脿 mh矛le acair de dh'fhearann. Thog an 5mh Iarla Dh霉n Phris an taigh sna 1750an agus tha cruinneachadh eireachdail de dh'脿irneis Chippendale na bhroinn. Thathar ag r脿dha gu bheil an Taigh coltach ri tasglann bhon 18mh linn, oir nach d' th脿inig atharrachadh air ann an 250 bliadhna.
San Iuchar, 2007 chruinnich Prionnsa na Cuimrigh buidheann de charantasan agus buidhnean dualchais airson an aitreabh iongantach seo a cheannach. Seo sgeulachd aon de na fir r矛oghail as ainmeile san t-saoghal agus an oidhirp a rinn e an seud eachdraidheil seo a ghleidheadh agus a chumail fosgailte dhan mh貌r shluagh.

Great Estates takes an in-depth look at the workings of country estates through the eyes of the current owners, the ghillies, the gardeners and the housekeepers, as well as the paying guests who frequent these great estates.

Dumfries House, with its magnificent furnishings and set in two thousand acres of land, is a stunning example of a great estate. Built in the 1750s by the 5th Earl of Dumfries, and with a unique collection of Chippendale furniture, the house has been described as an 18th-century time capsule, having remained unchanged for over 250 years.

In June 2007, HRH the Prince of Wales headed a consortium of charities and heritage bodies to purchase this unique property. This is the story of one of the most famous royals in the world and his efforts to keep this historical jewel intact and accessible to the public.

56 minutes

Last on

Sat 18 Feb 2017 23:00

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