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Priobag a' Ch脿r R猫isidh

Tha na caraidean a' togail c脿r luath 's iad an d貌chas R猫is-Char-Phriob a bhuannachadh leis. Zack and friends build a race car which they hope will help them win the Pop-Up Speedway

Tha Zack 's a charaidean a' togail c脿r airson 's gum faigh iad p脿irt a ghabhail ann an R猫is-Char-Phriob ach nuair gheibh iad chun a' ch霉rsa tha iad a' tuigsinn g' eil na draibhearan eile f矛or luath 's caran suarach! C貌 aca a' ghleidheas? Zack and friends build a car to ride in the Pop-Up Speedway but when they arrive at the racetrack they realize that the other cars and their drivers are very fast and not always very sportsmanlike! Who will take home the trophy?

15 minutes
