Ce貌l, sp貌rs agus fealla-dh脿. Bidh 'Tam Sellick' a' toirt s霉il air tachartasan sp貌rs agus 貌rain 'Charts' bho bhliadhna sh貌nraichte. Entertainment and music with Derek Murray.
Ce貌l, sp貌rs agus fealla-dh脿 air ur slighe dhachaigh. Am-measg na bhitheas air a' phr貌gram, bidh 'Tam Sellick' a' toirt s霉il air tachartasan sp貌rs a ghlac aire bhon deireadh sheachdain. Cuideachd bidh Derek a' cluichd 貌rain a bha sna 'Charts' bho bhliadhna sh貌nraichte. Ma tha sibh p猫in ag iarraidh 貌ran a chluinntinn, f脿gaibh teachdaireachd air ar duilleag Facebook, cuiribh post-d gu pluto@bbc.co.uk no f貌naibh an asgaidh air 08000 967050.
Entertainment and the latest news to see you home with Derek 'Pluto' Murray. Tonight, 'Tam Sellick' reveals his favourite sporting moments from the weekend while Derek takes us back on a musical journey to evoke memories of the charts from a particular year. If you want to let us know what you enjoyed from the world of sport or you want to hear a song on the show, get in touch via our Facebook programme page, e-mail pluto@bbc.co.uk or freephone: 08000 967050.
Siubhal gu Seachd le Pluto air Facebook
Faic na tha dol air an duilleag Siubhal gu Seachd le Pluto air Facebook.