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Derek takes a trip to find out more about the Isle of Harris, Bowmore Primary School take on the hopper race challenge, and Iona from the Isle of Lewis talks about her hobbies.
Tha Derek a' dol air chuairt tro na Hearradh airson faighinn a-mach barrachd mun eilean, bidh sgoilearan 脿 Bun-sgoil Bhogha M貌r a' feuchainn air an r猫is hopair agus 's e Iona 脿 Eilean Le貌dhais a bhios ag innse dhuinn mu a cur-seachadan.
Derek takes a trip to find out more about the Isle of Harris, Bowmore Primary School take on the hopper race challenge, and Iona from the Isle of Lewis tells us all about her favourite hobbies.
Last on
Thu 18 Feb 2016