Episode 14
Len Goodman takes TV personality, author and former MP Edwina Currie to sunny Bournemouth to relive her childhood holiday of 1957.
Len Goodman takes former MP, successful author and feisty TV personality Edwina Currie to sunny Bournemouth to relive her childhood holiday of 1957.
Len picks her up in a sparkling vintage Vauxhall, just like the one her dad had back in the fifties, and they head off to the coast.
On the way, Edwina gives us an insight into her family background. On arrival they make straight for the beach, where Edwina helps Len conquer his fear of heights in the beach lift.
After a look at the beach huts where she used to holiday, Len surprises his guest with a couple of donkeys called Ronnie and Reggie!
The surprises keep coming as Len then takes Edwina to visit her cousin Lise, where they rustle up one of her favourite childhood holiday dishes - lokshen pudding. It's here that we delve even further into Edwina's Orthodox Jewish upbringing and life as a university student.
With their bellies full, they head to Tuckton Tea Gardens for a beautiful cruise around the lake. Here Edwina talks about life as an MP and the inevitable controversies it brought.
Along the way we find out about Edwina's career, from the moment she decided on a career in politics to her thoughts on retirement. We also delve into what made this holiday special for a young Edwina Currie.