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Deposit protection, Community cinema, Sim card fraud

A student who won her deposit back from her landlord gives advice about how to get the most out of the Deposit Protection Service. Plus the future of debt management companies.

Most parents have a few worries about rental accommodation when their children go to university. The Deposit Protection Service can decide who should have the money when there's a dispute at the end of the tenancy - we sit its boss down with a student who used it.

And hundreds of thousands of people in the UK pay a company to help manage their debt. But the future of many of them are in doubt because the Financial Conduct Authority is carrying out a review of the sector. The charity, Stepchange, says more and more people are asking for help and many of the schemes are completely inappropriate.

And when big firms sound like sad teenagers: We'll hear a few more of your 'Needy Emails' - the messages you get from companies when you unsubscribe from their email lists.

You and Yours hit the headlines after proving on air how sim cards were a route to hacking into people's banks. Our listener, Peter Finneran, tells us how his sim was taken over - and Vodafone explain the failures which allowed it to happen.

Also the government's plans to include poppers in the New Psychoactive Substances Act have hit a problem. Their own drug advisers have told them it is not a psychoactive substance.

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45 minutes


  • Debt Management Firms and the Financial Conduct Authority

    FCA review of debt management sector has placed many companies' futures in doubt

    Duration: 10:42

  • Community Cinema

    The boom in people setting up cinemas in their communties

    Duration: 06:29

  • Deposit Protection

    How system designed to solve disputes over deposits worked out for a Sheffield student

    Duration: 07:40

  • Needy Emails 2

    Listeners react to our piece about weirdly needy correspondence from big companies

    Duration: 02:54

  • Sim Card Fraud

    Vodafone's security failings allowed someone to get listener's details to commit a fraud

    Duration: 06:03

  • Poppers Update

    Government drug advisors say Poppers can't be included in legal high legislation

    Duration: 03:33


  • Mon 21 Mar 2016 12:15



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