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Cadet nurses, Flight compensation, Street beggars

Consumer news and issues with Peter White, including the teenager hoping to be a cadet nurse who has been told there is no funding for her training.

Figures out today suggest that people with suspected cancer are still taking too long to be seen. Last September Cancer Strategy for England said that once referred by their GP patients should wait no longer than 28 days

Extra Energy is one the UK's smallest newest energy providers but according to Citizen's Advice is one of the most complained about.

In Nottingham a campaign warning against direct giving to street beggars has been criticised by some for stigmatising vulnerable people. The council says handouts are not the best way to help and can be counter productive.

Teenagers in the North West who expected to start as nursing cadets in September 2016 have been told there's no funding for the places. These cadet programmes help 16 - 19 year olds into healthcare professions by giving work experience on actual wards and in turn can lead to level two or three qualifications. Health Education England in the North West, says it's because of the new apprenticeship levy.

If you're delayed by more than three hours or your flight's cancelled, you are often entitled to compensation - according to an EU rule. But small regional airlines say that the levels of compensation paid out is endangering them

Presenter: Peter White.

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45 minutes


  • Cadet Nurses

    Young people have been told their vocational NHS training courses have been cancelled.

    Duration: 06:10

  • Begging

    A campaign warning against direct giving to street beggars has been been criticised.

    Duration: 08:16

  • Cancer Waiting Targets

    Figures say that people with suspected cancer are still taking too long to be seen.

    Duration: 07:26

  • Extra Energy Boss

    Why two of the smaller energy providers are receiving huge numbers of complaints.

    Duration: 05:31

  • Buzz Lightyear

    The problems a man faced when he legally changed his name.

    Duration: 04:25

  • Airline Refunds

    The EU rule stating that you are entitled to compensation for a delay of 3 hours or more.

    Duration: 06:06


  • Fri 15 Apr 2016 12:15



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