Derek 'Pluto' Moireach le ceòl agus fealla-dhà air ar slighe dhachaigh. Ann an Cogaidhean Ciùil, Bon Jovi v Springsteen? Music and entertainment with Derek 'Pluto' Murray.
Ceòl, spòrs agus fealla-dhà air ur slighe dhachaigh còmhla ri Derek 'Pluto' Moireach. Anns a' phrògram-sa bidh Derek a' cumail a' dol le Cogaidhean Ciùil, far an fheum an luchd-èisteachd taghadh cò as fheà rr leotha eadar dà chòmhlan. A-nochd, Bruce Springsteen neo Bon Jovi? Cuideachd bheir Derek thugaibh na sgeulachdan as motha ann an saoghal spòrs; ionadail, nà iseanta agus eadar-nà iseanta. Ma tha fiosrachadh agaibhse no ma tha sibh airson òran a chluinntinn, cuiribh fios gu Derek. Fà gaibh teachdaireachd air ar duilleag Facebook, no post-dealain gu pluto@bbc.co.uk no fònaibh an asgaidh air 08000 967 050.
Entertainment and the latest news to see you home with Derek Murray. In this programme, Derek introduces the quarter-finals of the Battle of the Bands where the listeners decide who they prefer between two bands. Tonight, facing off are Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band and Bon Jovi. Derek will also reveal what's going on in the world of sport with an update on local, national and international sporting events. If you have any information you would like to share or would like to hear a song that's special to you, please get in touch via our Facebook page, e-mail us at pluto@bbc.co.uk or contact us on the freephone: 08000 967 050.
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Music Played
Does Your Mother Know
David Guetta
Titanium (feat. Sia)
- (CD Single).
- Positiva.
Nothing But Love
- Girl At The End Of The world.
- BMG.
- 001.
Maroon 5
She Will Be Loved
- (CD Single).
- J.
Stevie Nicks
Secret Love
- In Your Dreams.
- Reprise.
- 1.
Bryan Adams
Summer Of '69
Its A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock N Roll)
- High Voltage.
- Columbia.
- 1.
Bruce Springsteen
High Hopes (feat. Tom Morello)
- (CD Single).
- Columbia.
Bon Jovi
Never Say Goodbye
- Mixed Emotions III (Various Artists).
- Polygram Tv.
Bruce Springsteen
Downbound Train
Hammer To Fall
- Queen - Greatest Hits II.
- Parlophone.
Things Will Never Be The Same
Jim Eliot & Will Young
Love Revolution
- Love Revolution.
- Island.
- 001.
Shakin’ Stevens
Green Door
Jimmy Nail
Crocodile Shoes
- The Nail File.
- Warner Music.
- 3.
Tanya Tucker
Delta Dawn
- Pure Country.
- EMI.
- 8 / 3.
Teddy Thompson
In My Arms
- Single.
- UCJ Music.
- 1.
Carrie Underwood
Something in the Water
- Something in the Water.
- Arista Nashville.
- 001.
The Proclaimers
When Love Struck You Down
- Restless Soul.
- Persevere Recods.
- 1.
Secret Garden
Bucks Fizz
Making Your Mind Up
- Chegger's Choice (Various Artists).
- Global Television.
Chris Loid
Riding Free
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- Thu 2 Jun 2016 17:30´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio nan Gà idheal
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