EU Special
Darren Laing examines some of the key issues, such as immigration, security, trade and Britain's place in the world, in the run-up to the EU referendum.
Air a 23mh dhen t-脪g-mhios, tha roghainn gu bhi mu choinneamh muinntir na R矛oghachd Aonaichte - a bheil sinn tuilleadh airson a bhi mar ph脿irt dhen t-Aonadh 贰貌谤辫补ch, neo a bheil sinn airson tarrainn a-mach? Inimreachas, te脿rainteachd, malairt, 脿ite Bhreatainn san t-saoghal - tha program s貌nraichte de 贰貌谤辫补 gus a bhi coimhead air na cuspairean is motha ann an deasbad an EU, air thoiseachd air a' bh貌t. Darren Linc ag aithris.
On 23 June, the UK votes on whether or not to remain part of the European Union. Darren Laing examines some of the key issues, such as immigration, security, trade and Britain's place in the world, in the run-up to the vote.