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Glac Piotsa
Tha Darla na draoidh piotsa an diugh. When Blake's mum becomes a pizza-making machine, Blake and Mitch decide they want to earn money from the venture.
Fhuair Darla, m脿thair Blake, bargan math air taois phiotsa agus tha i ga tionndaidh fh猫in na Draoidh Piotsa. Tha a h-uile duine ag iarraidh slios den phiotsa sa bhad. Tha Blake is Mitch son beagan cosnaidh fhaighinn a-mach 脿s a ch霉is aig an aon 脿m.
Darla, Blake's mum, has got a good price on a large supply of pizza base and she turns herself into a pizza-making machine. Everyone becomes addicted to her pizza. Blake and Mitch want to earn money out of this venture.
Last on
Thu 12 Jul 2018