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Judy Hobson investigates fly-tipping and illegal dumping in the north west. It blights the landscape and costs thousands to remove, but what's the cost to the environment?
Judy Hobson investigates the scale of fly-tipping and illegal dumping in the north west. It blights the landscape and costs thousands to remove, but what's the cost to the environment?
Mike Dilger asks what the best way of persuading fly-tippers and litter louts to clean up their own rubbish is.
And 大象传媒 6 Music's Mark Radcliffe goes on the trail of the Manchester Broadside Ballads - songs which were sung in the 19th century to tell the workers the latest news.
Last on
Mon 19 Sep 2016
大象传媒 One North West
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Dianne Oxberry |
Reporter | Judy Hobson |
Reporter | Mike Dilger |
Reporter | Mark Radcliffe |
Executive Producer | Deborah Van Bishop |
- Mon 19 Sep 2016 19:30大象传媒 One North West