South West Main
Creative culinary competition. It is the main course and chef Chris is out to show just how theatrical he can be. His ideas surprise everyone in the kitchen.
24 of Britain's top chefs compete in 2016's Great British Menu for the chance to cook at a most prestigious banquet at the Palace of Westminster. In the year of the Queen's 90th birthday, the chefs celebratwe the everyday great Britons who have been honoured for their selfless work to charities, to their communities and to the country. The chefs have to showcase the transformation in British cuisine during the Queen's historic reign, creating dishes that could be a legacy to the new Elizabethan age.
It is the main course and chef Chris Wheeler is out to show just how theatrical he can be, his ideas surprise everyone in the kitchen. No one knows quite what to expect and the veteran chef hopes it tastes as good as it looks. Once again, Josh challenges himself with a complex dish with many elements. His dish celebrates different cuts of beef and includes ox heart. It is an unusual choice which takes skilful cooking to prevent it being tough. Josh also cooks sweet breads in marmite and maple syrup. Jude is out to impress with his trademark Asian flavours, using them to transform classic cottage pie.