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A short reflection and prayer with Canon Noel Battye.

2 minutes

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Thu 29 Sep 2016 05:43

Script - Thursday 29th September 2016

Good morning

Today is Michaelmas, the day when churches used to focus on things angelic – on angels
- not just as messengers of good news 
- for that is literally what the word αγγελοϛ means – a messenger
- but angels showing another aspect, a darker side as they compromise with evil and who in the end are seen as both flawed and selfish.

Fallen Angels – those who once showed such promise and potential but who in the end allowed themselves to be drawn in another direction – those whose stars shone brilliantly for a while only to leave behind disappointment and disillusionment.

Of course we see the same thing in some of the greatest heroes of history and in our own age of tabloid journalism you don’t need me to cite examples of those, who politically, socially, athletically or in the world of entertainment or whatever charmed a world that was happy to place them on a pedestal but who in the end were cast down.

Again and again that story is repeated in biographies and documentaries of about the great.

Now while you and I will never be listed among the famous or angelic we too have our points of weakness, our share of original sin, our quirks and failings that can so easily let us down despite our best intentions and each time another news report confronts us with the exposure of the latest fallen angel we would do well to remember that there but for the grace of God go you and I and that very often it is only the prayers of those who care for us which actually keeps us on our track.

And what better reason is there for us to pray for those to whom we look for inspiration.

Lord, we pray for all who will be tempted this day, be close to them, to guide, to strengthen, and uphold.



  • Thu 29 Sep 2016 05:43

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