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T貌rr sp貌rs san sti霉idio c貌mhla ri Kim agus Megan. Alasdair from Harris reveals his favourite hobbies, and pupils from Stornoway Primary School attempt the hopper challenge.
Pl貌idh is fealla-dh脿 san sti霉idio an t-seachdain seo cuide ri Megan agus Kim. Bidh Alasdair 脿s Na Hearadh ag innse mu na cur-seachadan aige-san agus tha d霉bhlan Puingean nam Boingean ro sgoilearan 脿 Bun-sgoil Ste貌rnabhaigh.
Plenty of fun in the D猫 a-nis? studio with Megan and Kim. Alasdair from Harris tells us about his favourite hobbies and pupils from Stornoway Primary School attempt the schools' hopper challenge.
Last on
Sun 2 Oct 2016