S霉il air naidheachdan na maidne
Fios mun chuirm Ar C脿nan's Ar Ce貌l a bhios ann an Ionad Sp貌rs Le貌dhais an ath oidhche. We hear about a special concert to be held tomorrow night at the Lewis Sports Centre.
Tha Calum MacAmhlaigh anns a' chathair aig Cathy a-rithist. C貌mhla ris airson ruith air naidheachdan na maidne tha Catr矛ona Lexy Chaimbeul.
Cuideachd tha Anna Mhoireach ag innse mun chuirm sh貌nraichte a bhios ann an Ionad Sp貌rs Le貌dhais an ath oidhche mar ph脿irt de thachartasan a' Mh貌id.
Agus am measg a chi霉il tha Jess Morgan, Foy Vance agus Hudson Taylor. bbc.co.uk/feasgar.
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More episodes
Music Played
Hudson Taylor
World Without You
- Singing for Strangers.
- 005.
Jess Morgan
Skate While You're Skinny
- Edison Gloriette.
- Drabant Music.
Foy Vance
Closed Hand, Full Of Friends
- Joy of Nothing.
- Glassnote.
- 001.
C. Macleod
- Bloodlines.
- Self-released.
Van Morrison
Keep Me Singing
- Keep Me Singing.
- Exile Productions Ltd..
- 003.
Walk off the Earth
Sing It All Away
- Sing It All Away.
- 006.
Fairy Stories
- Straw Woman.
- 9th Story Reocrds.
Roddy Hart & The Lonesome Fire
- Swithering.
- Middle of Nowhere Recordings.
- 5.
- Fri 14 Oct 2016 12:33大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal