Tèarmann/Home from Home
Prògram mun chloinn ann hospices cloinne na h-Alba. Documentary examining the work of the Children's Hospice Association Scotland.
Prògram aithriseach a toirt sùil air an obair aig Comann Hospice Chloinne na h-Alba - an aon chathrannas a-mhà in san dùthaich a tha a' tabhann cùram faochaidh is lasachaidh do phà istean, cloinn is òigridh le tinneasan giorrachadh-beath. Ann an Tèarmann coinnichidh sinn ri còig teaghlaichean a tha an urra ri seirbheis hospice airson faochadh agus taic.
Seo saoghal anns nach eil eagal air daoine bruidhinn mu bhà s, ach far an fheà rr leotha cuideam a chur air beatha.
Tha luchd-obrach an hospice agus saor-thagraichean uile a dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil fà ilte bhlà th a feitheamh ann an Taighean Rachel is Robin agus gu bheil iad mar an darna dachaigh do na teaghlaichean. Ann am film a bhuilicheas gà ireachdainn agus deòir, cuiridh sinn eòlas air bròn agus sòlas Thaighean Rachel is Robin ann an sealladh pearsanta de theaghlaichean a dèiligeadh le beatha agus bà s.
This documentary explores the work of the Children's Hospice Association Scotland. They are the sole charity in the country who offer respite care for children and youngsters with life threatening conditions. In Tèarmann/Home from Home we meet five families who depend on the hospice service for respite care and support.
This is a world where people aren't afraid to talk about death, but prefer to focus on living life. The hospice staff and volunteers - from the housekeepers, to the chefs, to the nurses - all ensure that Rachel and Robin Houses provide a warm welcome and a home from home for families. Over 60 minutes, in a film which will make the audience both laugh and cry, we experience joy and sadness in Rachel and Robin Houses in an intimate portrayal of families coping with both life and death.
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