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Pr貌iseict Sligneach
Episode 2 of 52
Animated children's show. Tha Na Floogals a' sgr霉dadh clach luasganach. The Floogals are somewhat puzzled that the humans seem to be looking after a moving rock.
Tha na daoine gu bhith coimhead 脿s d猫idh toirtis na sgoile ach tha an creutair sligeanach cur iongnadh mh貌r air Na Floogals, a tha den bheachd gur e clach a th' ann a tha comasach air a bhith gluasad!
The humans are looking after the school tortoise, a task that causes much confusion for the Floogals, who believe the creature to be a moving rock!
Last on
Wed 29 Apr 2020