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A special programme from Italy, where Alasdair Fraser reports from Amatrice, epicentre of the earthquake in August.
On this week's 贰貌谤辫补, a special programme from Italy where Alasdair Fraser reports from Amatrice, epicentre of the recent earthquake in August. Many blame the widespread devastation on the government for the lack of funding to strengthen vulnerable buildings and contractual issues.
Air 贰貌谤辫补 na seachdain-sa, tha pr貌gram s貌nraichte againn bhon Eadailt le Alasdair Friseal ag aithris air an sgrios a rinn an crith-thalmhainn mu dheireadh san L霉nastal. Tha cuid a' cuir a' choire air an Riaghaltais leis nach eil ad a' cosg gu le貌r air ath-neartachadh na togalaichean a tha so-le貌nta, agus air trioblaidean le c霉mhnantan.
Last on
Mon 24 Oct 2016