脌m Teaghlaich/Family Vacation
Tha an teaghlach a falbh air l脿ithean saora ach 's e turas-d脿na a tha gu bhith romhpa. The family set off on holiday but unbeknown to them, great adventure awaits.
Tha C猫it 's Humphrey airson na cuileanan a thoirt gu Easan na h-Oba 's iad a' cur romhpa l脿ithean saora l脿n spors 's 脿bhachdas. Ge-t脿, chan eil fada gus an tig cunnart nan rathad 's sealgairean suarach a' tighinn 脿s an d猫idh. A' ruith ris a' mhonadh gus teicheadh, tha an teaghlach a' cur feum air taic bho iomadach caraid gus s脿bhailteachd a ruigsinn.
C猫it and Humphrey are taking the cubs on their first holiday and set off to the falls for what they hope will be fun-filled family time. However, danger soon comes their way as mad wolf-trappers spot their prey. A cross-country chase ensues and the family seeks help from a variety of friends as they make their way to safety.