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Pr貌iseict T貌imhseag
Episode 8 of 52
Tha m矛rean-measgte na dh霉bhlan dha Na Floogals. Animated children's show. A jigsaw poses a challenge for The Floogals.
Tha d霉bhlan uabhasach mu choinneamh na Floogals 's iad air m矛rean-measgte an nighean a sgapadh air feadh an 霉rlar. Feumaidh iad obair mar sgioba son na p矛osan a chur air ais ri ch猫ile mus faic duine na rinn iad.
The Floogals face a huge challenge when they inadvertently knock Girl Hooman's jigsaw to the floor. They must work as a team to put the pieces back together before the Hoomans see what happened.
Last on
Wed 10 Jun 2020