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Pr貌iseict Banana
Episode 12 of 52
Tha na Floogals a' tighinn thairis air banana. Animated children's show. The Floogals find a Hooman fruit called a banana and learn lots about it.
Tha Pr貌iseict Banana a' cumail na Floogals trang an diugh. Dh'ionnsaich iad gur e meas buidhe a th'ann, gu bheil an r霉sg cho sleamhainn agus cho sp貌rsail agus cho fada 's a mhaireas an neart a gheibh thu bhuapa.
Project Banana keeps the Floogals busy today. They learn that it is a yellow fruit, that it has a very slippery skin, and that the energy you get from it is slow-released.
Last on
Wed 8 Jul 2020