Victoria Nyanjura, Former captive of Lord's Resistance Army, 1996 - 2004
Stephen Sackur talks to former kidnapped schoolgirl Victoria Nyanjura, who was captured by the LRA, held captive for eight years and is now an advocate for women affected by war.
Stephen Sackur talks to a former kidnapped schoolgirl, Victoria Nyanjura. In conflicts the world over, men do most of the fighting, women and children endure much of the suffering. Systematic rape, kidnapping and the use of child soldiers - all are depressingly familiar; nowhere more brutal effect than in Uganda, where the Lord's Resistance Army led by Joseph Kony stands accused of terrible crimes against humanity. Victoria Nyanjura was captured by the LRA as a schoolgirl, held captive for eight years, raped, and brutalised until her escape. Now she's an advocate for women affected by war.