Episode 8
Documentary series telling the story of patients who enter four hospitals across the country. At The Great North Children's Hospital, baby Calvin fights for his life.
In Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, A&E bed 9 is ready to meet 36-year-old cyclist Chris, who has been hit by a car that crossed his path on a busy junction in the city centre. He's in a lot of pain and needs to be sent to X-Ray immediately to find out what damage has been done.
Also based in Newcastle is The Great North Children's Hospital. It has a dedicated A&E department and the most critically ill children are brought straight to the resus area. Resus bed 2 is ready to receive one of its tiniest patients. Baby Calvin has been rushed in by ambulance with mum Laura. He's fighting for breath, and for his life.
At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, bed 32 in the day surgery unit is ready to welcome Annamarie. She has agonising pain in her knee, and needs surgery to repair the cartilage. Annamarie owns a cleaning business and looks after her husband Andrew. She's desperate to get back on her feet and be pain free.
Over at Newcastle's The Great Northern Children's Hospital, bed 27 in the paediatric emergency and assessment unit is looking after five-year-old Harshil, who has been admitted because he has a small ball stuck in his ear. If the ball is pushed in too far, Harshil's ear canal could be damaged.
Back in the A&E department at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, bed 9's next patient is Margaret. She has intense pain in her knee that is keeping her awake at night and it's the second time she's come to A&E because of it. She's anxious about having to go through all the tests again.