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Depopulation/Brexit Remain
Episode 12 of 16
Tha Darren Linc a' coimhead air draghan mu dheidhinn iosalachadh sluagh as na h-Eileanan an Ìar, agus cuideachd a' bruidhinn ri feadhainn a bhòt airson fuireach san EU.
Air ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ na seachdain-sa, tha Darren Linc a' coimhead air draghan mu dheidhinn iosalachadh sluagh as na h-Eileanan an ÃŒar, agus cuideachd a' bruidhinn ri feadhainn a bhòt airson fuireach san EU.
Darren Laing looks at concerns about depopulation in the Western Isles. He also speaks to people who voted to remain in the EU.
Last on
Sun 11 Dec 2016
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Crìonadh sluaigh anns na h-Eileanan an Iar

Thà inig figearan a-mach am-bliadhna bho Chlà ran Nà iseanta na h-Alba a sheall dealbh gu math duilich de sheasmhachd sluaigh nan Eilean Siar. Eadar seo ’s 2039, thathas a’ tomhas gun tuit à ireamh an t-sluaigh 14%. A bharrachd air sin, tha dùil gun tig à rdachadh de 11% anns na th’ ann de dhaoine aig aois a’ pheinnsein, ach lùghdachadh de 21% anns na th’ ann de dhaoine aig aois obrach. Tha Darren Linc air a bhith anns na h-Eileanan, ’s e faighneachd carson a tha e mar seo, ’s de ghabhas dèanamh mu dheidhinn.
Population decline in the Western Isles
Numbers recently released from the National Records of Scotland paint a grim picture of the demographic health of the Western Isles’ population. Between now and 2039, it’s projected that the overall population of the islands will fall by 14%. Of additional concern is the forecast that the pensionable-age population will increase by 11%, but that the working age population will decline by 21%. Darren Laing has been in the islands, asking why this is happening and what can be done.
A’ coinneachadh ri daoine a bhòt Fan

Ged a bhòt a’ mhòr-chuid san Rìoghachd Aonaichte airson an Aonadh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch fhà gail, bhòt 62% de dh’Albannaich airson fuireach. Gun fhios de seòrsa dealachadh a tha gus a bhith ann leis an EU - an tèid saorsa gluasad a chumail, an tèid cothrom air a’ mhargaid shingilte a chumail – agus dè thig à Brexit do dh’Alba, tha Darren Linc air a bhith a’ coinneachadh ri còignear a bhòt airson fuireach san EU, ’s e faighneach dè am beachd mun t-saoghal a tha romhainn.
Meet the Remainers
Although the majority of voters in the United Kingdom as a whole chose to leave the European Union, 62% of Scottish voters chose to remain. With continuing uncertainty as to what kind of divorce we will have from the EU – will we keep freedom of movement, can we retain access to the single market – and what it will mean for Scotland, Darren Laing has met with five remain voters to ask them what they make of the future we face.
Role | Contributor |
Reporter | Darren Laing |
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