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Tha car snasail, luath a dhith air Alvin. Alvin has his eye on a speedy new sports car, but Dave won't allow him the toy as he believes it to be far too dangerous.
Tha s霉il Alvin air laighe air car snasail, 霉r ach tha Dave den bheachd gum biodh a leithid a dh猫ideag ro chunnartach. Gun chomas an car 霉r a cheannach, tha Alvin a toirt air Simon fear coltach ris a thogail dha... !
Alvin has his eye on a speedy new sports car but Dave won't allow him the toy as he believes it to be far too dangerous. Unable to get his hands on the new car, Alvin makes Simon build him a replica.
Last on
Wed 22 Aug 2018
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