Episode 2
Documentary series examining the development of rural housing in Scotland. In this episode, Ewen MacKinnon looks at thatched houses.
Anns an d脿rna pr貌gram san t-sreath 霉r mu thaigheadas d霉thchail na h-Alba, tha E貌ghainn MacFhionghain a' coimhead air taighean tughaidh, agus an dl霉th cheangal ri eachdraidh na G脿idhealtachd agus nan Eilean agus an cuid dhaoine. Tha iomadh dreach eadar-dhealaichte air an taigh-dubh cuideachd, agus chithear mar a chaidh cruthan 霉ra den n貌s s貌nraichte seo de dhreach thaigheadais na h-Alba a bhrosnachadh.
Presenter Ewen MacKinnon looks at thatched houses, and the intrinsic part they have played in the history of the Highland and Islands and its people. There are also a number variations of the blackhouse, and we also see how it has inspired new versions of this iconic Scottish house style.
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Sgeulachd an taigh-dubh
Duration: 03:38
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ewen MacKinnon |
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Taigheadas D霉thchail
Series examining the development of rural housing in Scotland.