Episode 5
Gaelic motoring show. Murray tries out the Bentley Bentayga, while Donnie gets to test the Ford Focus RS, a car he has been desperate to drive.
Tha Murray a' feuchainn air an tairgse as ùire aig Bentley, agus airson a' chiad turas bho chompanaidh chà raichean leòmach; 's e th' ann ach SUV. Tha am Bentley Bentayga trì tursan nas daoire na an Volvo XC90 as ùire, a tha cuideachd aig a' cheann shuas de mhargaidh nan SUV. A bheil rathad ann gu bheil am Bentley trì tursan nas fheà rr na an Volvo? Tha Murray a' cur trì dheuchainnean an sàs gus dearbhadh fhaighinn.
'S fhada bho bha Donnie measail air cà raichean Ford luath. Bho chaidh am Focus RS fhoillseachadh, tha e air a bhith ag iarraidh air an sgioba riochdachaidh dèanamh cinnteach gum faigh e a dhrà ibheadh. Mu dheireadh thall, ghèill iad agus thug iad dha cothrom cuimhneachadh air na cà raichean a dh'fhalbh. Mar sin, am bi an RS cho math 's a bha e an dùil, neo am biodh e na b' fheà rr an cà r a chumail na hacmeanamnain? Agus an t-seachdain seo tha sgioba Air an Rathad air a dhol dha na Hearadh, 's iad a' dèanamh air Rathad an Òir. Dè bhios air dòigh romhpa aon uair 's gun ruig iad?
Murray tries out the latest offering from Bentley and a first for the luxury carmaker: an SUV. The Bentley Bentayga costs three times as much as the latest Volvo XC90, itself at the premium end of the SUV market. Can the Bentley possibly be three times as good as the Volvo? Murray conducts three real-world tests to find out.
Donnie has long been a fan of fast Fords. Ever since the Focus RS was announced, he's been badgering the production team to drive it. They finally relented and let him indulge in his dream. So will the RS live up to Donnie's expectations, or will it be a case of never meeting your heroes? And this week the Air An Rathad team have crossed onto Harris where they're heading to the wonderful Golden Road. What will be in store for them once they get there?
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An e seo dha-rìribh an SUV as fheà rr a th’ ann?
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