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Kathleen from Skye talks about her favourite hobbies and pupils from Dunoon Primary School take on the hopper challenge.
Ch矛 sinn mar a chaidh dha Kim nuair a ghabh i p脿irt anns a' chuairt dheireannaich de dh'fharpais Young Traditional Musician of The Year 2017, bidh Kathleen 脿s an Eilean Sgitheanach ag innse mu a cur-seachadan agus bidh sgoilearan 脿 Bun-sgoil Dh霉n Omhain a' str矛 ann am Puingean nam Boingean.
We'll find out how Kim gets on in the final round of Young Traditional Musician of The Year 2017, Kathleen from Skye tells us about her favourite hobbies and pupils from Dunoon Primary School take part in the schools' challenge, Puingean nam Boingean.
Last on
Thu 16 Feb 2017