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Pr貌iseict Seinn
Episode 35 of 52
Tha iomagain air na Floogals mu na daoine. Animated children's show. Hearing the Hoomans singing, the Floogals worry that they have all caught a terrible illness.
Tha na daoine uile a' d猫anamh fuaim uabhasach - fuaim ne貌nach nach eil na Floogals idir ag aithneachadh neo a' tuigsinn. Den bheachd g' eil tinneas annasach air am bualadh, tha iomagain air na Floogals gun tig e orra fh猫in.
The Hoomans are making an awful racket - an unusual noise that the Floogals don't recognise or understand. Thinking that a strange illness has hit the household, they fear that they themselves might also catch it.
Last on
Wed 29 May 2019