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Episode 40 of 52
Tha tubaist aig Boomer le c猫ic co-l脿-breith. Animated children's show. Boomer builds a food-finding fizzer, but the new invention ends up causing chaos.
Tha na cairtean 's c猫isean aig Mam daonna cur iongnadh air na Floogals 's iad ga leantainn gu bocsa nan litrichean gus barrachd ionnsachadh mu na tha i d猫anamh leotha. Ge-t脿, 's ann a tha c霉isean a dol bun os cionn air turas d脿na ur caraidean beaga!
Mum Hooman's cards and envelopes are puzzling the Floogals and so they set out to follow her to the letterbox to find out what she intends to do with them. However, things go awry for our little friends during their trip!
Last on
Wed 3 Jul 2019