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Pr貌iseict Pl猫astaran
Episode 44 of 52
Tha na Floogals a' lorg pl猫astaran ach chan eil iad a tuigsinn carson a tha iad. The Floogals find plasters but they can't work out what they might be for.
Nuair a lorgas na Floogals pl猫astaran, tha iad a' cur rompha an cur gu feum, ged nach eil iad a tuigsinn ciamar! A feuchainn grunn rudan, chan eil iad a' lorg soirbheachas gus an t猫id Boomer bochd a ghoirteachadh!
When the Floogals find plasters, they set out to put them to good use, although they don't know what that is yet! Trying various experiments, they fail to find any success... until poor Boomer has an accident!
Last on
Wed 31 Jul 2019
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