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Pr貌iseict Peansail
Tha peansail na dh霉bhlan chruthachail. The Floogals are unimpressed by Dad's pencil but soon realise that it can do many wonderful things.
A' lorg peansail, chan eil na Floogals den bheachd gur e rud s貌nraichte sam bith a th' ann. Ge-t脿, nuair a chuireas iad 脿s den obair aig Dad leis, tha iad a tuigsinn gun d猫anar ioma rud leis a pheansail simplidh!
When the Floogals find a pencil, they are unimpressed and think it rather boring. However, when they accidentally erase Dad's work with it, they realise that the humble pencil can do many wonderful things!
Last on
Wed 11 Sep 2019