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Ed Sheeran tickets; Steve Biddulph; Metail

Ed Sheeran fans have been left upset and out of pocket after tickets they'd bought for concerts weren't delivered on time, plus we speak to bestselling author Steve Biddulph.

Ed Sheeran fans who bought tickets for his latest concerts are finding that secondary ticket site Viagogo is failing to send them the tickets in time. The fans are already disappointed that they paid over the odds for the tickets in the first place.

Psychologist Steve Biddulph is a bestselling author of parenting books and joins Winifred to discuss his latest book: '10 Things Girls Need Most To Grow Up Strong and Free.'

It's your free personal shopper in the comfort of your own home - new technology is being used online by clothing retailers like Wallis and Henry Holland that acts as a virtual changing room, and we'll hear how retailers hope you'll use it so you don't send as many clothes back that don't fit.

Debt recovery services are taking advantage of small business worries about unpaid invoices and offering to chase debts on the firms' behalf. The problem is, once the small business pays for the service, they don't hear back from the debt recovery firm.

The UK is seeing a lot of overseas visitors thanks to a drop in the value of the pound. We find out where these visitors are going and whether it's just price influencing their choice of the UK as a destination.

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45 minutes


  • Ed Sheeran Tickets

    People paid more than they thought for tickets on Viagogo & didn't receive them in time.

    Duration: 07:25

  • Metail

    New technology to see how clothes will look on you virtually and recommend other styles.

    Duration: 08:32

  • Child Psychologist Steve Biddulph

    Follow on from our call about depression as he has a new book out about raising girls.

    Duration: 09:59

  • UK Tourism

    Latest tourism figures suggest more people than ever are visiting the UK from abroad.

    Duration: 05:30

  • Debt Collectors

    Beware of people offering to chase outstanding bills and debts for a fee.

    Duration: 06:50


  • Wed 26 Apr 2017 12:15



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