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Tha Lorg anns an Eilean Sgìtheanach an t-seachdain seo. Children's factual show. Mairi is in the south end of the Isle of Skye finding out about the island's interesting stories.
Tha Mà iri NicIllinnein a' tadhal air Ceann a Deas an Eilean Sgitheanaich far am bi Mia agus Rodachan a' feitheamh oirre. Tha iomadh sgeulachd ainmeil mun eilein, ach 's dòcha nach bi sibh air an fheadhainn acasan a chluinntinn!
Mairi MacLennan visits the south end of the Isle of Skye, where Mia and Rodachan are waiting for her. There are many famous stories about this island but will you have heard these ones?
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