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This week, Claudia shares some fascinating facts about the human body and Cerise gets creative with old newspapers in her workshop.
Tha Derek agus Annabel san sti霉idio 's iad a' toirt s霉il air ais air cuid de na cur-seachadan a bh' agaibhse ann an 2009. Bidh Claudia a' toirt s霉il air a' bhodhaig agus tha Cerise air a bhith trang sa bh霉th-obrach 's i a' cur seann ph脿ipearan-naidheachd gu deagh fheum. Agus, mar as 脿bhaist, bidh taghadh ci霉il no dh脿 ann cuideachd.
Derek and Annabel are in the studio looking back at the hobbies everyone had in 2009, Claudia shares some fascinating facts about the human body and Cerise has been busy in her workshop making good use of old newspapers. And, as always, there is music chosen by school pupils.
Last on
Sat 27 May 2017