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Sp貌rs gun Str矛

Tha Oona agus Silky a str矛 gus geama a lorg a tha comasach agus sp貌rsail dhan an dithis aca. Oona and Silky struggle to agree on a game that they can both play and enjoy equally well.

Tha Oona 's Silky a coimhead air n-adhart ri latha sp貌rsail ach le Oona airson a bhith 脿rd sna speur 's Silky ag iarraidh gu gruund na mara, 's ann a tha iad a str矛 geama a lorg a tha cheart cho sp貌rsail dhan dithis aca!

Oona and Silky are looking forward to a fun-filled day together but with Oona wanting to soar the skies and Silky looking to dive to the deep, the pair struggle to find a game that suits them both equally!

7 minutes
