Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald present highlights from the final night of the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival, including sets from Franz Ferdinand and KT Tunstall.
Bheir Fiona NicCoinnich agus Niall-Iain D貌mhnallach f脿ilte dhuibh do shealladh farsaing air F猫is Bhelladrum le s霉il air na bhios an gn矛omh thairis air 脌rd-l脿ir Garden agus Hothouse gan craoladh. Seo a-nis a' 14mh bliadhna de dh'Fh猫is Bhelladrum, agus tha i air cli霉 a chosnadh mar thachartas a chuireas f脿ilte air an teaghlach air fad agus a thairgeas fealla-dh脿 is sp貌rs dhan a h-uile neach a bhios an l脿thair.
Air oidhche Shathairne, ch矛 sibh Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes, K T Tunstall agus aig an deireadh, bidh an c貌mhlan air am bi sinn uile a' feitheamh, Franz Ferdinand, le cuirm-ci霉il air leth. Tha Alex Kapranos fhathast gan cumail fa sti霉ir agus bithidh iad a' cluich 貌rain 霉ra agus 貌rain ainmeil leithid "Take Me Out", a r脿inig 矛re 3 ann an cl脿r-ci霉il na R矛oghachd Aonaichte.
Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald give us the full flavour of the Belladrum festival, hosting live coverage from Bella's Garden and Hothouse Stages. They will be offering a select capture of performances and backstage chat and social media shout outs to boot.
Now in its 14th year, Belladrum Festival is renowned as a family friendly celebration with a fun and welcoming atmosphere. Fiona and Niall Iain will bring audiences the magic of Belladrum and on Saturday night the show will feature Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes, KT Tunstall and will culminate with what promises to be an epic show from Franz Ferdinand. Alex Kapranos remains a commanding ringleader and their set list promises a selection of new songs coupled with favourites like "Take Me Out" which reached number three in the UK charts.
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