Korolev vs von Braun
Str矛 airson na gealaich a ruighinn an toiseach. Documentary looking at the intertwining stories of two of the principal architects of the space race.
'S e seo sgeulachd an turais as d脿na dhan 20mh linn, dha na speuran, air innse tro bheatha dithis, Sergue茂 Pavlovitch Korolev, an Ruiseanach, agus Wernher von Braun, a rugadh sa Ghearmailt agus a ghluais a dh' Ameireaga.
D脿 dhreuchd mh貌r airson d脿 dhuine air leth. Dithis ealanta nach do choinnich a-riamh, ach a bha a' str矛 an aghaidh a ch猫ile thairis air d脿 fhichead bliadhna airson na gealaich a ruighinn an toiseach.
Th貌isich an sgeulachd anns na 1930an air l脿rach air iomall baile Berlin no taobh a-muigh Moscow, agus chr矛ochnaich e air an 20mh den Iuchar 1969 air a' ghealaich, an d猫idh coinneachadh ri leithid Stalin, Hitler, Nikita Khrushchev, John Fitzgerald Kennedy agus Walt Disney.
This is the story of the 20th century's greatest adventure, the conquest of space, told through the intertwining destinies of two men who were its principal architects: Russia's Sergue茂 Pavlovitch Korolev, and America's Wernher von Braun, a German who was taken to America to head the nation's rocket programme at the end of World War II.
Two epic career paths for two exceptional figures. Two geniuses who never even met, but who, over a 40-year period, waged a relentless battle to be the first to reach the moon.
The adventure began in the 1930s, on a wasteland in a Berlin suburb or the outskirts of Moscow, and ended on July 20th 1969 on lunar soil, an adventure that included the involvement of figures such as Stalin, Hitler, Nikita Khrushchev, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Walt Disney.