Episode 1
Teenager Francesca Mountain gets a real surprise during her lesson at the Highland Gliding Club near Elgin.
Anns an t-sreath-sa bidh sinn a' faighinn a-mach d猫 a tha a' dol air adhart air c霉l ghnothaichean aig puirt-adhair na G脿idhealtachd is nan Eilean tro sh霉ilean an fheadhainn a tha ag obair annta, agus bidh sinn a' coinneachadh ri feadhainn eile a bhios a' sg猫ith airson sp貌rs.
An t-seachdain-sa, aig Club Glaidhdear na G脿idhealtachd faisg air Eilginn tha Francesca Mountain, a tha ceithir bliadhna deug a dh' aois, a' cur car a' mhuiltein ann an glaidhdear airson a' chiad uair. Abair sp貌rs! Aig port-adhair Inbhir Nis tha an r猫is bhliadhnail 5K a' gabhail 脿ite air an raon-laighe aig meadhan-oidhche, agus tha Callum Mac a Ghobhainn agus Dan Mason air bhioran agus iad a' feitheamh ri pl猫ana Lunnainn tighinn a-steach gus am faigh iad cuisean a chur air d貌igh. Agus, ann an Inbhir 脵ige, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh beagan a bharrachd mu Andrew Bruce a tha os cionn a' chompanaidh connaidh.
This series gives viewers a behind-the-scenes view of the airports across the Highlands and islands, through the eyes of the people who work there, and we also meet some people who take to the skies for leisure.
In this programme, 14-year-old Francesca Mountain gets a real surprise during her lesson at the Highland Gliding Club near Elgin when she gets to do her first ever loop-the-loop, and we capture every moment through the cameras on board.
It's the night of the annual 5K Midnight Runway run at Inverness Airport, and Callum Smith and Dan Mason are kept on their toes. They have to wait for the London plane to arrive before they can set out the markers and time is against them.
Meanwhile in Wick, who knew that Andrew Bruce who runs the fuelling company is a pilot himself? He takes us up in his plane to tell us more.
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Role | Contributor |
Series Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Editor | Jonny Craigmile |
Executive Producer | Margaret Cameron |