Episode 4
Over 80 people are involved in a mock plane crash at Inverness Airport to test the emergency services. Phil Masheter is in charge.
Anns an t-sreath-sa bidh sinn a' faighinn a-mach dè a tha a' dol air adhart air cùl ghnothaichean aig puirt-adhair na Gà idhealtachd is nan Eilean tro shùilean an fheadhainn a tha ag obair annta, agus bidh sinn a' coinneachadh ri feadhainn eile a bhios a' sgèith airson spòrs. An t-seachdain-sa, aig Port-adhair Inbhir Nis tha còrr air ochdad neach an-sàs ann an eacarsaich airson measadh a dhèanamh air na seirbhisean èiginn.
'S e Phil Masheter a tha os cionn a' ghnothaich agus feumaidh e coltas an samhla tubaist a dhèanamh cho fìor sa ghabhas. Aig Port-adhair Tingwall ann an Sealtainn tha Jim Gray a' dèanamh an sgrùdadh là itheil air an raon-laighe, ach mura falbh a' cheò, cha bhi dad a' sgèith an-diugh. Tha am pìleat Marshall Wishart là n dhòchais gum faigh e gu Eilean Fara. Agus tha Nick Macleòid air plèana Eurofox a chur ri chèile dha fhèin agus tha raon-adhair aige air an starsaich.
This series gives viewers a behind-the-scenes view of the airports across the Highlands and islands, through the eyes of the people who work there, and we also meet some people who take to the skies for leisure.
In this programme, over 80 people are involved in a mock plane crash at Inverness Airport to test the emergency services. Phil Masheter is in charge and is trying to make the crash site look as realistic as possible.
At Tingwall Airport in Shetland, Jim Gray is doing the daily runway inspection, but unless the fog clears there will be no flying today. Pilot Marshall Wishart is hopeful that conditions will improve and that the flight to Fair Isle will go ahead.
And Nick McLeod has fulfilled a childhood dream: he has built his own Eurofox plane, which he keeps in his huge shed and has created an airstrip in the field beside his house - now the country is on his doorstep!
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Patricia Macleod |
Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Camera Operator | Scott Brown |
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