Barbet Schroeder - Film Director
Zeinab Badawi speaks to Swiss film director Barbet Schroeder. He has made evil the focus of many of his films. What has he learned about the nature of evil?
As the world continues to follow the plight of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanamar, condemnation has been heaped on the Burmese authorities for not doing more to protect them from attacks from Buddhist militants. Zeinab Badawi speaks to acclaimed Swiss film director Barbet Schroeder. His latest documentary is about an influential Buddhist monk in Myanmar who uses strong anti-Muslim rhetoric in his speeches and writings. Barbet Schroeder has made the subject of evil the focus of many of his documentaries and films. He has worked in Hollywood and Europe and has been directing films for nearly fifty years. What has he learned about the nature of evil?