Episode 1
Reports on the most important stories from across Europe. In this programme, Darren Laing summarises the impact Lyme disease is having on many communities in the Uists.
Bidh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a' toirt thugaibh na sgeulachdan as cudromaiche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹. Sa chiad phrògram, bidh Darren Linc a-toirt geà rr-chunntais air a' bhuaidh a tha tinneas Lyme a' toirt air iomadh sgìre ann an Uibhist.
Reports on the most important stories from across Europe. In this programme, Darren Laing summarises the impact Lyme disease is having on many communities in the Uists.
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Tinneas Lyme an Uibhist

Ann an Uibhist, tha na h-à ireamhan a’ sealltainn gu bheil tinneas Lyme gu math nas bitheanta na ann an à iteachan eile faisg air là imh, agus ann an Alba air fad. Ach chan eil a h-uile duine a tha ga ghlacadh a’ faighinn deuchainn obair-lann. Ma chì dotair broth cruinn dearg ort, faodaidh iad Lyme aithneachadh bhon a sin, is do chuir air cùrsa antibiotaig. Chan eil na h-à ireamhan sin idir gan cur còmhla gu nà iseanta.Ìý Bho 2009 gu 2016 chaidh a’ bhroth fhaighinn air 196 duine ann an Uibhist, 91 ann a Leòdhas is na Hearadh agus 6 ann am Barraigh.
Lyme disease in Uist

In Uist, records show that Lyme disease is more prevalent than on any other neighbouring island close at hand, and in Scotland generally. But not everyone who contracts the disease goes to get tested in a surgery. If a doctor notices a round, red rash on your body, they can diagnose Lyme from that and will put you on a course of antibiotics. The nationwide statistics aren’t combined with the local ones. From 2009 to 2016, this rash was found on 196 people is Uist, 91 in Lewis and 6 in Barra.
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Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe