Reports on the most important stories from across Europe. Andreas Wolff is in Poland reporting on the influx of Ukranians fleeing the war-torn far east of their country.
Air 贰貌谤辫补 na seachdain-sa, bidh Andreas Wolff anns A' Ph貌lainn a' coimhead air suidheachadh iadsan a tha teicheadh dhan d霉thaich bho thaobh sear na h-Ucr脿in, agus f貌garraich a tha feuchainn ri cead-c貌mhnaidh fhaighinn anns A' Ph貌lainn agus, ann an Eileanan nan Caorach, tha Alasdair Friseal ag aithris air bh貌t ri thighinn ann an 2018 mu bhun-reachd na h-eileanan a dh' fhaodadh toradh taghaidh neo-eisimeileachd a thoirt dhaibh bhon Danmhairg.
On this week's programme, Andreas Wolff is in Poland reporting on the influx of Ukranians fleeing the war-torn far east of their country and how it impacts other refugees seeking Polish residency. And Alasdair Fraser is in the Faroe Islands, where a vote in 2018 on the Faroese constitution could lead to independence from Denmark.
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Reporter | Alasdair Fraser |
Reporter | Andreas Wolff |
- Thu 16 Nov 2017 20:30
- Sat 18 Nov 2017 23:45
Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe