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Episode 9

Episode 9 of 12

Donald Morrison looks back at the stories from the 大象传媒 Gaelic current affairs series. Father Colin MacInnes' work in Ecuador and life on Eriskay before the causeway.

Bho mheadhan nan 80an bha am pr貌gram telebhisein Prosbaig a' sgr霉dadh ch霉isean na G脿idhealtachd 's nan Eilean, agus Alba san fharsaingeachd. Tron t-sreath seo, tha am fear-naidheachd D貌mhnall Moireasdan a' toirt s霉il air ais tron tasglann agus a' toirt thugainn taghadh de na sgeulachdan a chaidh a chraoladh eadar 1984 agus 1988. Anns a' phr貌gram seo: mar a dh'fhalbh Mgr. Cailean MacAonghais a dh'Ecuador, "d矛reach airson greis," thuirt e; buaireadh ann an Tiriodh mun pholl a bha a' tighinn 脿s na tapaichean; agus bochdainn Eilean Bhatarsaigh mus d' fhuair iad an cabhsair.

From the mid 1980s, Gaelic current affairs television series Prosbaig covered many of the main stories making headlines in the Highlands and Islands and throughout Scotland. In this series, journalist Donald Morrison takes a look back through the archive and brings us some of the key stories from 1984 to 1988.

In this programme: Father Colin MacInnes' work in Ecuador; dirty tap water causing problems in Tiree; and life on Eriskay before the causeway.

27 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Donald Morrison
Reporter Cathy MacDonald
Reporter Kenneth Maciver
Reporter Murdo MacLeod
