Adam Holmes and The Embers
Highlights from the Quay Sessions performance by Adam Holmes and The Embers, including the tracks People Come, People Go, When the Lights Go Down, and Alone We Stand.
A chiad phr貌gram do shia, far am faic agus an cluinn sinn c貌mhlain agus seinneadairean a chluichd aig na Quay Sessions. A-measg na c貌mhlain, cluinnear d脿 luchd-ci霉il Le貌dhasach, Iain Moireasdan agus C Macleod. Cuideachd san t-sreath cluinnear 貌rain bho leithid Lucy Spraggan, Sam outlaw agus the Little Kicks. Ach sa chiad phr貌graim, 's e Adam Holmes a bhitheas a' seinn 貌rain mar 'People Come, People Go' , 'When the Lights go Down' agus 'Alone we Stand'. San 脿 D霉n 脠ideann a tha Adam Holmes agus tha e f脿s cluiteach mar sgr矛obhadair cruthachail fo bhuaidh sgr矛obhadairean gach taobh dhen Chuan Siar.
Tha e a measgachadh stoidhlichean le ch猫ile nam measg ce貌l d霉thchasach, Americana agus 'soul'. Tro na bliadhnaichean a dh'fhalbh, tha Adam Holmes and na Embers air cluich c貌mhla ri Laura Marling, Eddi Reader Lau, The Unthanks, Portishead agus Mogwai.
An opportunity to view the first of six programmes in a series that highlights acts who appeared as part of the Quay Sessions. Among those featured will be two talented musicians from Lewis, Iain Morrison and C Macleod. Also performing will be Lucy Spraggan, Sam Outlaw and The Little Kicks. But the series kicks off with Adam Holmes and the Embers, and featuring some of their notable tracks such as 'People Come, People Go', 'When the Lights go Down' and 'Alone we Stand'.
Adam was born in Edinburgh and is gaining critical acclaim as a distinguished singer-songwriter. His influences are from both sides of the Atlantic, mixing traditional and contemporary folk with his own brand of soul and Americana. Adam and his band have featured on tour with Laura Marling and Eddi Reader and he has been working on collaborations with members of Lau, The Unthanks, Portishead and Mogwai.